My Story
Hey there!! And welcome to my space on the wild wild web..
I'm Rebecca Edmonds - a highly qualified master NLP behavioural change life coach and hypnotherapist practitioner. Also spiritual goddess, a wife and a mother of 2 beautiful little soul babies. ​​
I provide behaviour change therapy online for people like you who are ready to create their own version of a life beyond your wildest dreams.
I’m totally obsessed with helping you reach your full potential personally and professionally, so that you become the happiest person you know. Now is the time to totally THRIVE and not just SURVIVE in your life!

With all that said and done I haven’t always had this positive mind-set, in fact I have spent most of my life trapped in my own version of mental hell. Which is why I am now so confident and passionate about helping others overcome any conditioning or life stresses that you have experienced that has subsequently created unwanted behaviours.
My clinics are so important to me because my life story is living proof that by working on your mind-set and healing from the inside then we truly are not defined by the trauma and conditioning that you may or may not have been subjected to. That is other people’s stuff and yes we as humans we are naturally effected by external events, but that DOES NOT mean that we need to live our lives in that way. We control our own thoughts, feelings, emotions, natural responses to events. It is about learning and communicating with the part of our mind that controls sub-conscious behaviour that enables us to take back of the reigns and pull yourself back onto a path of your truest heart desires! This is something that people cannot understand but I am grateful, yes grateful for what I went through. It has enabled me to have the compassion and empathy that I have and it has sparked an enormous fire inside me to want to help as many women/men come through their own stories to a life they never dreamed possible. One of total fulfilment.
The sky really is the limit and I cannot tell you how excited I am to help you break the cycle to the gutter mind-set and step into your HIGHEST self into a life you probably thought was never even possible for you.
I am NOT special if I can do it then YOU, yes YOU reading this sure as hell can too! And I am here to help you every step of the way if you are willing to put in the hard work (yes I will be honest it is hard work but it is rewarding in ways that feel nothing short of miraculous to me!
If you are ready to take the driving seat of your life back, if you are ready to live a life ABUNDANT in ALL things, wealth, relationships, happiness, then book a non-judgemental, NO OBLIGATION discovery call with me today.