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How to manage stress, anxiety & depression
You are not going crazy, I just wanted to start with that. The effects of stress, anxiety and depression can leave you feeling this way. It is important to know the processes that occur when you experience long term stresses on your body so you can fully understand the processes that have left you feeling how you feel now. You are not going crazy, how you are feeling is very real and is validated by the hormonal response that occur in your body. Knowing this gives you back your power to be able to do something about how you are feeling to get you living a life, you truly deserve.
It is common for most people to experience stress, anxiety and depression at some stage in our lives nowadays. Yet our brains have not evolved since pre-historic days, where our stress responses would have peaked due to immediate life threatening situations; such as being chased by a dangerous animal in cave man times.
Where as now a-days society has evolved so much and we don't tend to have constant actual life threatening situations, instead we have pro-longed long term stresses caused by a multitude of issues such as work life to social issues. Our bodies are simply not made to function this way, which is why long-term stresses ,anxiety & mental health issues wreak such havoc on our adrenal system subsequently manifesting into not only mental health dis-eases but also physical dis-eases. When the body is under constant stress the adrenals are on constant alert pumping out adrenaline. This wears out the body and eventually the person experiences burn out or becomes "tired and wired".
Here are some short videos to explain the effects that stress and anxiety have on your general well-being and the hormone responses that occurs.
Did you know?
“That all of the top 5 diseases identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as causing greatest global disease burden by 2020 have stress as an underlying contributing or complicating factor. They include heart disease, depression, traffic accidents, stroke and chronic lung disease”.
The long term side effects of stress & the three levels of stress
There are three stages of stress -
Stage 1 - alarm - cortisol and DHEA becomes elevated. This is normally a temporary reaction and would normally decline once the stress passes.
Stage 2 - resistance - cortisol remains elevated whilst the production of DHEA declines to below normal leaving you feeling wired and tired.
Stage 3 - exhaustion - output of DHEA and cortisol would be below normal leaving you feeling tired and exhausted.
How can I help you?
The good news is that you were not born with these issues, what you are experiencing now is from conditioning that you have experienced at whatever stage in your life. All behaviours are learnt and the great news is this means they can be unlearnt and new behaviours can be made.
I use a selection of techniques including Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnotherapist and life coaching. These techniques work directly with the sub-conscious mind so are very effective at behavioural changes.
During hypnosis your mind is so relaxed that your subconscious is able to receive and welcome suggestions and changes to update the way in which you perceive yourself; subsequently being able to correct any negative thought patterns and beliefs you may have.
As a result you will be able to begin to challenge these old belief systems to create new more positive affirmations about yourself.
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